Welcome to Blueprint HOPE (BHOPE)
HOPE = Heaven On Planet Earth aka New Earth, where Truth, Integrity & Faith are the new currency.
This page includes video and resource links to individuals not necessarily affiliated with Kimberly Goguen, the Center for Amity & Restoration of Earth (CARE), or the CARE Global Restoration Plan, but who are doing amazing things in their own right to help co-create our New Earth and help Team Humanity move forward and evolve. These are some of the "wayshowers" and "lighthouses" to help us find our way home. It also includes inspirational music.
This will be an ever-expanding page as I am guided to more exceptional creator beings.
"I Am In Everything"
by Mei-lan
The vocal and images in this video are beautifully powerful reminders for us all of just how truly magnificent and healing Mother Earth (GAIA) and the Natural Realm are.
Thank you Mei-lan!
What a blessing!
The Three Waves of Volunteers
~ Dolores Cannon
Energy Updates & Then Some!
Great Videos to Better Understand What's Going on in the World
Powerful Tools for Personal Empowerment and Greatest Teachings
Simple and Powerful Tools for Personal Restoration
Inspiring Interviews with Focus on Health and Wellness
Inspirational Videos
Animals and the Natural Realm as Guides and Teachers
The Five Planes of Reality Crash Course
by Jason Estes
Inspirational Songs
#DoloresCannon #NewEarth #Awakening
Posted April 26, 2020
From YouTube Description Box
"Dolores cannon is a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) practitioner. Here, she speaks about the 3 waves of volunteers in the new earth."
#DoloresCannon #TheNewEarth #QHHT #QuantumHealingHypnosisTechnique
Jason Estes #90: Exploring Dream Killers
Hosted by Ritika Arya
Livestreamed on Facebook April 16, 2024
Perfectly timed as usual!
Dream killers are now being released and cleared from in and around me.
Dream killers are now being released and cleared from in and around my manifestation que.
Dream killers are now being released and cleared from in and around my success lines.
Thank you both! 💗
Frozen in Time: Zach Bush MD
Livestreamed on Facebook December 19, 2023
This interview with Zach Bush is part of Jason Estes' Frozen in Time Series.
Amazing life story & discussion!
Thank you both! 💗
Clear Camp Adventure - Frozen in Time Edition
Frozen in Time: Elijah Ray
Livestreamed on Facebook December 1, 2023
This interview with Elijah Ray is part of Jason Estes' Frozen in Time Series.
Great discussion -
filled with lots of gems!
Thank you both! 💗
Energy Update: 11/14/23
Livestreamed on Facebook November 14, 2023
Discussion: Space Circuits
(this discussion immediately followed Jason's Energy Update)
Frozen in Time: H.E. Baron Alec Stern
Livestreamed on Facebook November 1, 2023
This interview with Alec Stern is part of Jason Estes' Frozen in Time Series.
What an incredible life story, wonderfully wrapped up by Alec Stern with the 5 Success Lessons he's learned over the course of his life (i.e. embodied wisdom).
Brilliant conversation!
Thank you both! 💗
Clear Camp Adventure - Frozen in Time Edition
Epic Update of Awesomeness & AJA
Livestreamed September 5, 2023
What an amazing and exciting update!
Did you know we're on the Masterline now?!
Thank you, Jason!
Jason's explanation of the merging of the Order, Harmony, & Chaos timelines back in January 2020 has helped me immensely, on a very personal level. That merge FOREVER changed me. Not only did it lead to some uncharacteristic and bizarre behavior in 2020 and 2021, but it also landed me in the Twilight Zone for a few months in 2021. More importantly though, it expanded me in profound ways.
So, here we go again ... being retested on what we've learned since 2017 (another pivotal year for me).
Wonder who/what will circle back in my life now?
Let's see if I've learned my lessons over the past five years ... or if I'm going to find myself looping and side-questing again for up to another five years.
Regardless, here's to meeting my builder teams SOON!
P.S. - Jason's Unity Work, 21-day Light of God practice, and Clear Camp Initiatives, which I first began incorporating into my life in 2021, have been game-changers for me. Each very simple, yet effective. 💖
All Timelines Converging (it's about to get weirder)
From Kerry K
August 3, 2023
Every heard of the Mandela Effect?
Remember Mandela dying in prison (vs. being released)? - I do!
Remember the little Monopoly dude having a monocle (vs. not having one)? - I do!
Remember Jiffy peanut butter (vs Jiff)? - I do!
and the list goes on ...
The Mandela Effect is real and has to do with timelines converging.
In this video, Kerry K talks about the Mandela Effect and how we may be experiencing it in our lives now.
Marina Jacobi -The Quantum Structure Of Lies & Manipulation - S6 E25
Livestreamed June 24, 2023
(on Airmeet)
May this be a cautionary tale.
June 30, 2023
Link to Clear Command 25/64:
A new Clear Command is posted every day on Jason Estes' Instagram page (jasonestes23). You can also find the Clear Commands for Days 1 thru 24 there as well.
I've found these Clear Commands (in addition to my own) to be powerful tools! It's a practice I began using a couple years ago when I first learned about it from one of Jason's YouTube videos.
Thank you Jason & Team!
Preparing for the World We Came For.
Mary Lynn Kelly & Jason Estes
Livestreamed June 27, 2023, in Void Space Technologies Heartbeat Community
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Judith Kusel on
Livestreamed June 11, 2023
Link to
Enjoying the Ride?
Livestreamed January 30, 2023
Amazing update! Thank you Jason!
The sling shot we were pulled back in earlier this month has been released and we are flying forward FAST! When we'll land remains a mystery for now ... Jason estimates it'll be sometime between March and May 2023. That resonates with me!
So now we're on the plane headed home (aka heaven on Earth)! FINALLY! YIPPIE!
I for one intend to remain fully on the plane until it lands. I may roam around the cabin at times to meet some of the other passengers or stretch my legs, but other than that I plan to sit back and enjoy the movie playing out below from my quantum airplane window until we land. Good thing this airplane is all window seats!
Here are some of the other resources Jason mentioned in the video: 🤩
Activation Station:
ZACH BUSH MD | 4 Minute Workout:
Spiritual Maturity:
Wealth Series Playlist:
What are Circuits:
Matter Circuit Dates:
The Burden of Greatness:
AJA form to submit your questions:
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Judith Kusel
Livestreamed January 28, 2023
Judith Kusel, radiating love!
I always feel uplifted when I tune into Judith Kusel!
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Michelle Walling
Livestreamed January 27, 2023
Michelle's story resonated strongly with me, especially in terms of our physical bodies.
My own health journey (rife with challenges, especially this past decade+) has shown me that it is actually our human bodies that are the most advanced technology.
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Ramona Lappin
Livestreamed January 25, 2023
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Stephen Popiotek
Livestreamed January 26, 2023
What a fascinating conversation! Very interesting Intel. A lot of it supports what Kimberly Goguen has been sharing in her weekly World Situation Reports.
The 3 Stages of Self Mastery
Jason Estes
Hosted by Bryan Henry
December 15, 2022
One of Jason's best!
And so relevant and helpful now.
Perfectly timed, as always.
Embodied Wisdom: The Way Home
Jason Estes & Kerry K
Livestreamed November 28, 2022
It was so good to see Jason Estes and Kerry K together again! Love, love, loved this pop-up and all that was covered. Highly recommend!
Thank you, Jason & Kerry, for all you do, for being so authentically you, and for being such great examples!
Ask Jason Anything (AJA)
Livestreamed November 15, 2022
by Jason Estes
Box of Stupid Class
March 19, 2022
(Video referenced above by Jason)
Popup Energy Update
Livestreamed November 13, 2022
by Jason Estes
This is an important update, and valuable overall message!
Jason Estes #13: The Five Planes to Reality
March 1, 2019
(Video reference above by Jason)
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Judith Kusel
Livestreamed November 12, 2022
💕Another amazing heart-filled conversation with Judith Kusel! 💕
MTVO Q&A with Jason Estes, hosted by Skyelar Menard
Livestreamed November 17, 2022
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Kristin Vambeset
Livestreamed November 12, 2022
Great discussion about the children and young people, and what they're bringing in!
Posted on Facebook by Jason Estes
October 28, 2022
"5 years ago today the earth transitioned to the 5 dimension and we began a long journey home, today we get the final gift on our journey after all the hard work we have put in its finally time to see the rewards of our efforts, over the next few months you will begin to see radical changes in every level of the world as this is the final of the ascended master gifts and with it comes a total re-balance of the world... remember we reap what we sow and in this next stage that will become abundantly clear so enjoy the ride everyone ::hugs::"
Thank you for that update Jason!
It's time to Celebrate how far we've come and gratefully welcome the new gift along our journey home! :-)
October 2022 Energy Update
from Jason Estes, with Skyelar Menard
Livestreamed October 11, 2022
"We're in a phase of clean-up now."
"It's a very big clean-up effort that's been happening."
"Together we've got this. There's nothing to be afraid of about the future. It's all brighter than you can imagine. You just have to be willing to let that light in and to shine thru the misunderstandings of your life so that you can step forward into it."
~ Jason Estes
Ask Jason Anything (AJA)
Livestreamed October 11, 2022
(Immediately following the October 2022 Energy Update)
Deep Dive 25
Rebroadcast w/Jason in the Live Chat on September 17, 2022
(Original Broadcast Date: May 9, 2019)
(Watched it for first time during this Deep Dive. Connected a lot of dots for me regarding events and experiences in my life, especially since 2019. I first discovered Jason Estes in Spring 2020 and have been following him ever since. Jason has been one of the - if not THE - biggest game-changers and light houses in my life!!!)
AJA (Ask Jason Anything))
Livestreamed September 6, 2022
Begins with an Energy update.
Deep Dive 23
Rebroadcast w/Jason in the Live Chat on August 20, 2022
(Original Broadcast Date:
April 30, 2019)
Perfect timing for this rebroadcast! As applicable today as it was in 2019!
Unlocking the Gifts of the Mind
with Skylar Menard, Jennifer Earnest & Jason Estes
Livestreamed August 16, 2022
Excellent Mental Health Discussion
Jason Estes #80: Apology vs. Acknowledgement
Livestreamed Pop-Up July 18, 2022
Ask Jason Anything (AJA)
Hosted by Skeylar Menard
July 4, 2022
Jason begins this AJA with an energy update.
The Physics of Abundance: The Garage Analogy
April 30, 2022
This is a really good analogy on living in abundance. It's a new way of being for most of us, and contrary to the way we've been programmed to live.
The MTVO Team video titled "Box of Stupid Class" is another great video related to this same topic (scroll down to next section for the link).
Box of Stupid Class with
Jason Estes, Jesus Gonzalez & Jennifer Earnest
Streamed Live March 19, 2022
Excellent discussion on stepping out of the box and into true freedom!
In this video, the team explains how 90% of humanity is caught up in the "Box of Stupid" -- either in Excess Mindset (Greed) or Poverty Mindset (Suppression/Scarcity) -- why that is and how to break free of the box and step into happiness, ingenuity, freedom and play.
According to Jason Estes, currently only 1% of the world's population lives freely outside the "Box of Stupid" -- and only 9% of the world's population is able to even begin looking at breaking free of the box.
Jason Estes #68: The In-Between
Streamed Live in August 2020
This is a great video if you've been really confused by all that's been happening since 2020.
In 2020, the Chaos, Order and Unity timelines merged -- three timelines happening at the same time!
Connection vs. Relation
Streamed Live April 18, 2022
This is a powerful discussion about navigating in this new world since we moved from co-reality to sovereign reality.
Tools to Assist with Reframing Reality
Jason Estes: Quick Backlog Practice
This is a POWERFULLY EFFECTIVE practice!
Link to view entire video on "Understanding Backlog"
How to Adjust the Sphenoid
"The sphenoid is how you interpret reality" - Jason Estes
Jason Estes #2: The Body as a Child
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Renata Eirini
Streamed Live on January 27, 2022
Great discussion regarding the effects of early childhood trauma on your Nervous System. The trauma actually stunts the development of our Nervous System, which leads to lifelong health issues if not properly addressed.
This is the FIRST discussion I've ever heard that actually addressed root cause of unrelenting chronic PHYSICAL pain for folks like me who have unsuccessfully tried every allopathic treatment available (from conservative to surgical), tried all kinds of alternative therapies, done their shadow work (and then some!), and are highly spiritual. It really helped pull all the puzzle pieces together for me in terms of my physical health and well-being and confirmed for me that it was related to damage to my Nervous System.
This was powerful for me!
Sing The Water Song
Phonetic Lyrics
Nee bee wah bow
En die en
Aah key mis kquee
Nee bee wah bow
Hey ya hey ya hey ya hey
Hey ya hey ya hey ya ho
Penny Kelly in conversation with Bracha Goldsmith - Health, New Earth and much more!
"Special Treat!! Penny Kelly, author, teacher, publisher, consultant, Naturopathic physician, and researcher of consciousness is joining me for a fascinating conversation the upcoming changes in our world and how to navigate them.
As a Naturopathic Doctor, Penny is concerned with our health and how it’s crucial for humanity to get healthy again if we want to expand our consciousness to our highest spiritual potential. This too will be a part of our chat.
This is going to be very uplifting and inspiring! Don't miss it!!!
More about Penny Kelly: Early in her career Penny was an engineer for Chrysler Corporation, but left there in 1979 after a full, spontaneous awakening of kundalini to study the brain, consciousness, intelligence, intuition, and cognition. This was followed by 18 years of work as an educational consultant specializing in Accelerated and Brain-Compatible Teaching and Learning, working with both schools and corporations.
After purchasing acreage in 1987, she raised grapes for Welch Foods for a dozen years while also building Lily Hill Farm, now a large B&B. She worked with Dr. Wm. Levengood, biophysicist, for 15 years, studying materials from crop circles, animal mutilations, and extraterrestrial landing sites, as well as researching plasma, energy, and consciousness.
Penny was involved in starting Community Gardening in Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, MI through grants from the Kellogg Foundation, and she was a member of the Tipping Point Network whose focus is sustainability in all sectors of life. She maintains a worldwide counseling and coaching practice, teaches a half-dozen courses in Developing Intuition - The Gift of Consciousness, as well as courses in Organic Gardening, and Getting Well Again Naturally. She produces regular videos for Patreon, YouTube, and BitChute, and travels widely to speak and teach.
Penny holds a degree in Humanistic Studies from Wayne State University and a degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the mother of four children has co-written or edited 23 books with others, and has written nine books of her own.
To find out more about today's guest, please visit: "
Ep 123: Quantum Energy Wellness Beds and Precautions to Plant Medicines With Jason Estes (Part 1)
Ep 123 = Part 1:
Ep 124 = Part 2:
"In today’s episode we are joined by Jason Estes, co-creator of the much anticipated, Quantum Energy Wellness Beds. Jason not only explains how these beds can facilitate our innate ability to heal but also dives deep into how we can naturally recharge our batteries, the importance of supporting both our bodies as well as our frequencies and important insights around the use of plant medicines like Ayahuasca.
• Discover how Quantum Energy Wellness Beds can assist your innate ability to heal.
• Gain insights into the questions, what is meditation?
• Learn what naturally recharges your battery.
• Learn how to discern what is good for your body and what is good for your frequency and how to take care of both equally.
• Understand the importance of being true to who you are and the roll this plays in your health and your life.
• Discover what it means when “Reality Checks” pop up for you.
• Learn about the resources required for you to heal? • Gain important insights around the use of plant medicines like Ayahausca"
"MTVO’s Purpose is to cultivate exploration and mastery of the self in order to set new standards for the world. The organization provides a platform and example for the highest levels of ethics. Its members choose a life of sobriety and live by the code of authenticity at all costs and dedicate their lives to the greater good."
Earth Change
"Earth Change's purpose is to be the change it wishes to see in the world by stepping up to assist in times of great need. Earth Change leads by example as a 501c3 public charity: 100% of every single dollar raised for a cause goes fully to that cause."
Void Space Technologies
"VST's goal and purpose is to assist the World and the Earth to ascend divinely and ethically. We can achieve this through discovering, researching, and creating any form of method, tool, product, or ethically sourced medium. We aim to help and create the growth of the future by bringing stability, support, and expansion in the present."
Activation Station
"The mission of Activation Station is to create a global shift by providing a fast and efficient platform for spiritual support on all levels."
Uploaded to YouTube
February 18, 2022
Uploaded to YouTube
February 20, 2022
Ocean of Emotion to 5D Stability
February 24, 2022
In this 4-minute clip Jason discusses “being the solution” and gives a wonderful explanation of moving thru dimensions.
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Patricia Cota-Robles
Livestreamed December 8, 2021
Beautifully informative and empowering discussion regarding this "Shift of the Ages" we are in.
Welcome to the "decade of miracles!"
Jason Estes #24: Mastering Your World (Hosted by Seanin Banrion at The Freedom Network)
Uploaded to YouTube June 1, 2019
YouTube Description
"The key to mastery is to master what’s in front of you, then move on.
If something exists in your world, then there is something there for you to work on and understand. Instead of pushing things away and seeking out other opportunities you think are better, work with what you have. Eventually, you’ll be handed something better.
Knowledge vs. Understanding
Knowledge is untested ideas and concepts, whereas wisdom is knowledge that has been tested and understood.
Mastery Practice
Bring yourself back to the first position you’ve ever held, and ask yourself, “What did I not master in this position?” Resolve what you haven’t mastered.
Allow yourself to move forward in time, either to the position that follows chronologically or to the next position your Divinity takes you to.
Continue to move forward in time with the practice until you reach your current age and position.
Watch your entire reality shift accordingly. The only thing holding you back from mastery is you.
Emotions, Thoughts, and 5D
The 5th Dimension is a thoughtless, painless state—which pushes directly against the way humanity has existed for the last 20,000 years.
To better understand 5D, it’s important to be able to distinguish from feelings and emotions.
Emotions are the reactive states of feelings. You can acknowledge that a feeling is present, and you can explore that feeling however you choose. Emotions occur when you identify with a feeling and allow it to run you.
Emotions are a reaction—they are not us. To move beyond your emotions, simply work on pausing before you go into reaction. And if you fail at pausing as you learn, forgive yourself. You don’t have to be perfect. You just need awareness and a willingness to change.
The 3 Phases of Human Existence
The 3 phases are 1) entity, 2) personality, and 3) divinity.
When we're born, we come into this planet as an entity. We rely on others to take care of us, and are therefore a composite of identities, belief structures, and ideas.
The next phase is moving into personality. Traditionally, this happens from the ages of 7-18. However, with the way our society is structured, most people don't even start to work on the transition into personality until they're in their 30s. In the personality phase, you're starting to specialize in mastery and understand your human lens at a deeper level. You're starting to find "you."
The third phase is divinity. This process is about working with your divinity to remember that you ARE your divinity."
Unique vs. Special
Hosted by Sydney Campos
Uploaded to YouTube October 1, 2021
Truth or Projection: Choose your own Adventure
Uploaded to YouTube May 19, 2021
Jason Estes doesn't get much better than that!
Streamed Live February 10, 2022
Great discussion related to restoration of health, and more!
Lynn Marie is a "Lightworker/Starseed" who had a long career in the Aerospace industry (managed large Boeing contract, worked with FAA and NASA).
Jason Estes #20: 11 Secrets to Success
Hosted by Kerry K at Samadhi Speaks
YouTube Video Link
Instagram Link
1st Secret (13:53)
Anything earned without ethics will be taken by ethics in time.
2nd Secret (22:22)
Celebration brings stability.
3rd Secret (24:16)
Gratitude makes room for more.
4th Secret (37:20)
Being a team player—we become more successful when we make room for others by building jobs and by investing in their success.
5th Secret (48:07)
Follow your passion, find what you love, and work towards doing it full time.
6th Secret (56:20)
Invest in your spirit, then your body, then your house, then your car.
7th Secret (1:03:43)
Be yourself, show up often, and open to opportunities within 48 hours of the request.
8th Secret (1:06:00)
Experience brings confidence and interestingness.
9th Secret (1:13:24)
A willingness to grow is the key to being whole.
10th Secret (1:18:43)
Pay for mastery—your time is worth it.
11th Secret (1:23:54)
There is no better time to start being successful than now.
(Released on 4/15/2019)
In the beginning of this video Jason Estes explains Data Points and where we (Humanity as a collective) were at back in Spring 2019, which was between 45-47 Data Points.
As of February 17, 2022, we are at 7200 (seventy-two hundred) Data Points (per Jason Estes Facebook post)!!!
In this video link, Jason Estes explains Data Points
Jason Estes #13: The Five Planes to Reality
Hosted by Kerry K at Samadhi Speaks
Uploaded to YouTube May 30, 2019
Jason Estes #12: Twin Flames, Dimensions, and More
Hosted by Kerry K at Samadhi Speaks
Uploaded to YouTube May 30, 2019
Activating Your Sacred Alliance with the Natural World
February 11, 2022
Audio Interview Replay
Personal Note:
August 10, 2022
During this call, I was randomly selected for a reading by Ana Maria, and six months later I can confirm that Ana Maria was spot on! The reading, and some of what Ana Maria shared about her own personal journey was so helpful and reassuring for me, and at a time where I was literally facing homelessness and losing everything. I could never have imagined then all the wonderfully amazing changes that have come into my life since! The reading is at Timestamp 01:37:30.
Thank you, Ana Maria!
About Ana Maria:
"Ana Maria has been an educator, trainer & coach for more than 20 years in various areas of personal transformation. As a natural multi-sensory Intuitive Energy Tracker, an interpreter of sorts, she lifts the veil between what's happening in the 3D world and the energetic patterns behind it. She has a profound connection with nature & animals and specializes in working with them because they act as mirrors to our inner landscape and help us make shifts that on our own we wouldn't do. She is also a Certified Intuitive Strategist and serves on the faculty of the Academy for the Soul."
The Infinite Star Connections - S2. Ep.5 - Guest: Sabrina Campbell
"The Infinite Star Connections is thrilled to welcome back Sabrina Campbell to the show! Sabrina is a wife, mother, pet parent and thriver of life. She has been on a journey to discover all the gifts that she possibly can in this lifetime and the next. The abilities that reside in the power that Sabrina holds are Psychic (talk to your higher self and guides), Mediumship (talk to people who have passed), Energy Communication (talk to beings from all areas of the cosmos and from many dimensions, some of these may be guides), Angel Communication (talk to your Guardian Angel or Arch Angel), Animal Communication (talk to animals living and passed) and something that Sabrina calls Soul Sessions where she combines all of these abilities into one session."
The Infinite Star Connections - S2. Ep.22 - Special Guest Sabrina Campbell
"The Infinite Star Connections is thrilled to welcome back Sabrina Campbell to the show! Sabrina is a wife, mother, pet parent and thriver of life. She has been on a journey to discover all the gifts that she possibly can in this lifetime and the next. The abilities that reside in the power that Sabrina holds are Psychic (talk to your higher self and guides), Mediumship (talk to people who have passed), Energy Communication (talk to beings from all areas of the cosmos and from many dimensions, some of these may be guides), Angel Communication (talk to your Guardian Angel or Arch Angel), Animal Communication (talk to animals living and passed) and something that Sabrina calls Soul Sessions where she combines all of these abilities into one session."
'What My Horses Have Taught Me'
"This is a compilation of 20 years of learning and growing into the higher vibration and consciousness of the ‘Herd, a unique family of free horses who are the heart of Just being in the vibration of this message is heart opening and life-changing. Enjoy!"
The following YouTube video is a great video to watch to learn more about the five planes to reality
Jason Estes #13: The Five Planes to Reality
(Original air date March 30, 2019)
While the original air date was in 2019, the concepts have no time limit and are especially relevant for many now in 2022.
July 11 thru August 16, 2022
Instagram Link:
Day 1 Practices
July 11, 2022
Instagram Link:
Day 2 Practices
July 12, 2022
Instagram Link:
Day 3 Practices
July 13, 2022
Instagram Link:
Day 4 Practices
July 14, 2022
Instagram Link:
Day 5 Practices
July 15, 2022
Instagram Link:
Day 6 Practices
July 16, 2022
Below is a link to a great video clip to watch if you choose to Intensify today's practice and do the fast.
Understanding the Purpose of Fasting
Jason Estes / MTVOTeam
Emotional Plane
Day 1 Practices
July 18, 2022
Emotional Plane
Day2 Practices
July 19, 2022
Emotional Plane
Day 3 Practices
July 20, 2022
Emotional Plane
Day 4 Practices
July 21, 2022
Emotional Plane
Day 5 Practices
July 22, 2022
How to Adjust the Sphenoid
(great soundtrack for today's Intensify practice)
Emotional Plane
Day 6 Practices
July 23, 2022
Emotional Plane
Day 7 Practices
July 24, 2022
Spiritual Plane
Day 1 Practices
July 25, 2022
Spiritual Plane
Day 2 Practices
July 26, 2022
Spiritual Plane
Day 3 Practices
July 27, 2022
Spiritual Plane
Day 4 Practices
July 28, 2022
Spiritual Plane
Day 5 Practices
July 29, 2022
Spiritual Plane
Day 6 Practices
July 30, 2022
Spiritual Plane
Day 7 Practices
July 31, 2022
Virtual Plane
Day 1 Practices
August 1, 2022
Virtual Plane
Day 2 Practices
August 2, 2022
Virtual Plane
Day 3 Practices
August 3, 2022
Virtual Plane
Day 4 Practices
August 4, 2022
Virtual Plane
Day 5 Practices
August 5, 2022
Virtual Plane
Day 6 Practices
August 6, 2022
Virtual Plane
Day 7 Practices
August 7, 2022
Monkey Breath Exercise
Mental Plane
Day 1 Practices
August 8, 2022
Video Clip Explaining
Mental Plane/POV
(Todd Medina w/Jason Estes)
Original Air Date
April 21, 2019
Mental Plane
Day 2 Practices
August 9, 2022
Mental Plane
Day 3 Practices
August 10, 2022
Mental Plane
Day 4 Practices
August 11, 2022
Mental Plane
Day 5 Practices
August 12, 2022
Mental Plane
Day 6 Practices
August 13, 2022
Mental Plane
Day 7 Practices
August 14, 2022
Mental Plane
Day 8 Practices
August 15, 2022
Mental Plane
Day 9 Practices
August 16, 2022
Ninja Support
Tech Recommendations for July & August 2022
Instagram Link:
Activation Station Website:
This provides more details on the "Clear" commands Jason's used in some of this week's practices related to the physical plane.
I've been using this Clear Command practice for months now to clear all kinds of things that I feel are holding me back. It's been very effective.
I like to follow up each "Clear" command with the following statement:
"I now fill any and all space left behind by the clearing with the Light of God/Source/TheCreator" so as to fill the void left behind and prevent something I don't want from creeping into the void.
Maters of the Void Organization (MTVO) Website:
Link to FAQ about the Clear Camp Initiative:
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