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Jason Mraz - 93 Million Miles (Official Video)
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Coming very soon,
a more detailed update on the following:
(scroll further down the page for original vision, which I shared on January 21, 2021)
General structure of Blueprint HOPE (i.e. administrative side)
🌟 Healing Modalities 🌟
(based on my own personal experience)
Nervous system regulation is key
To help with that,
the following will be incorporated:
Relationship Based Horsemanship & horses (and other animals) in general heavily featured
* Physical therapy *
(our body is our shield, so it's important to fully restore our physical bodies)
Music and dance (movement, vibration and fun are key)
Arts, crafts, and other creative endeavors
Spending time in and learning from nature
Bringing back curiosity and wonder
Genius Quantum Biofeedback
Frequency Dome/Fence (to harmonize harmful frequencies & send healing/thriving/abundance frequencies throughout the property)
And more to come…
Note: I already have several folks in mind to assist with each of the above, if they're interested.
🌟 Most Importantly 🌟
We're going to learn (and/or remember) what a Mother's Love is
(That was one of the big takeaways from my NDE in January 2020 as a mother's love has been so distorted for far too long)
Here's an example from the animal kingdom:
Next steps ...
Please be patient
Thus far,
it's just been
little ole ME
doing this.
the time is drawing near
to bring a
Core Team
and I already have some thoughts on who I want to invite to be part of this amazing project.
I will personally be reaching out to those people as God/Source directs me to do so.
I need to meet each individual that I invite onto this project face-to-face in person (preferably) or via live video call (i.e. via Zoom, MS Teams, or another tool) first.
However, first things first; developing a business proposal for funding. Fortunately, I have some experience in this area. 😁
Funding may very well come from multiple sources that are aligned with the vision God/Source entrusted me with, however I intend to submit the official proposal for Blueprint HOPE to the Center for Amity and the Restoration of Earth (C.A.R.E. -- to learn more about C.A.R.E. go to and/or go to the "About Me+" page of this website for more links and information).
Funding from the Center of Amity and Restoration of Earth (C.A.R.E.) comes from the new Creator Golden Age AI System built and controlled by Kimberly Goguen, Guardian of the Global Repository, Ground Commander, and Director of the revamped Global Intelligence Agency (GIA).
After spending much of my adult life navigating the Western medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance systems, including nine years dealing with the disability system, I only found true healing once I chose to exit all those systems.
I fully stepped away from the medical system in the summer of 2021 and from the disability system at the beginning of 2022. Since then, I’ve been trusting my own intuition and guidance from God/Source to the best of my ability. In this time, I've experienced more healing and restoration than I did during the decades I spent navigating those systems.
One of the most valuable things I've discovered though is uncovering the truth about this world, particularly the corrupt systems of control that have been intentionally designed to keep us enslaved (i.e. exhausted, confused, and dis-eased). If you're interested in learning more about my journey in this area, visit the About Me + page and follow the links provided.
"The first element of change is awareness. You can’t change something unless you know it exists." - T. Harv Eker
The power of truth and clarity in healing is truly remarkable, even when those truths are hard to fathom. If you are confused, it's likely you're being fed a bunch of lies and/or are being intentionally manipulated. It's only upon a foundation of truth that real solutions to problems can be found, and that includes solutions for health and wellness.
The knowledge and wisdom I've gained thru my own healing journey has given me many insights, especially regarding the difference between true healing and disease/disorder management.
Blueprint HOPE is focused on genuine healing and restoration, tackling the root causes rather than just managing symptoms or prioritizing corporate profits.
Blueprint HOPE is a reimagined approach to health and wellness, designed from the ground up to empower everyone to THRIVE.
🐝🌻☀💞🌎 🙏😍💋
Please note that I do NOT use or respond to social media DMs. The only way to contact me initially is via email, at the address below.
Brenda J. Bullis
🐝🌻☀💞🌎 🙏😍💋
February 11, 2021, Update
On a much more personal note...
To better facilitate this dream, it behooves me to actually be living in Colorado. And while I have been "divinely called" to move to Colorado now, I'm not exactly sure how it is financially or logistically feasible -- never-mind the current state of affairs in the U.S. and the world.
At the same time, I have learned that God/Source works in mysterious ways, and can not only move mountains, but entire mountain ranges. And while I may not have the SOULutions right now, someone else who is also being divinely guided might. So, if this resonates with you, and you have some ideas and/or ways to facilitate this move, please drop me a line thru at I'd love to hear from you!
Thank you!
October 27, 2024, Update:
I'm still living and working in Northern Virginia (aka Washingon, DC, metro area). God/Source has kept me here as (among other things) I'm a Grid-worker for God/Source, so have been doing a lot of grid-work/clearing in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and some in Delaware (Rehoboth Beach to be specific) over the past several years. That work is drawing to a close, so I'll have more time to focus on Blueprint HOPE (in addition to my full-time day job that foots my bills). At some point though, my feline companions Felix and Chloe (aka my family), my Jeep Wrangler, and I will be sling-shotted to and parachuting down to our wonderful new home in Colorado (I've clearly seen this vision), and only God/Source knows when and exactly where that will be. He likes to surprise me!
For as long as I can remember, John Denver's music has captured my heart, specifically "Colorado Rocky Mountain High."
Having grown up oversees, moving every two to three years, and never really having a place to call home, on a soul level, Colorado has always felt like home, even before I ever visited or lived in Colorado. So, it makes sense that I am being called to Colorado now for this grand vision, which marks a huge turning point in my life as well. If this resonates with you, I invite you to join me on this journey.
🐝🌻☀💞🌎 🙏😍💋
January 21, 2021
A year ago today (and the week leading up to the 21st) I was given a GRAND VISION to create a newly imagined ✨Healing Sanctuary✨ — one that would start out as a prototype (or divine blueprint) for others that would then spring up around the globe. I liken it to little slices of heaven on planet earth, sprinkled around the globe.
Now I have no earthly experience creating any such thing — my background is in accounting/management. I’ve spent over a quarter of a century playing with numbers mostly. What do I know about creating Healing Sanctuaries, drawing people together (especially people I don't even know), or building anything for that matter?! And with exactly what resources?! 😲
What I do have is a lifetime of experience building my relationship with God/Source, and many lessons learned which have honed my ability to discern when I am being divinely guided to do something versus being ego driven. And when I am divinely guided, all my needs (wants too) are met before I even realize they are needs. Everything flows with such ease and grace 😊 — I have countless examples of it in my life!
At the same time, the phrase “if you build it they will come” from the 1989 movie “Field of Dreams” comes to mind when doubts about the grand vision pop up in my head. Though in my case it begins with “if you ENVISION it they will come.”
So, for the past year, I have been holding that divine vision of a Healing Sanctuary in my heart and soul, with love and light, ease and grace, excitement and anticipation, and a KNOWING that it is already done. And each day, I do as I am guided to nurture and grow that vision.
Today, January 21, 2021 (01/21/2021) I am being guided to share my vision publicly for the first time, at least in any kind of detail.
So here is just SOME of what I envision....
✨Divinely guided, heart-driven and service-to-others are the three main requirements to be a part of this wonderful creation
✨It will be a Healing Sanctuary (key words!) for people of all ages/generations and backgrounds — though the prototype will be primarily focused on Trafficking/SRA/MK-Ultra’d survivors as their stories and needs have resonated so strongly with me over the past year (visit to learn more about why -- October 27, 2024 Edit: I deactivated this website in 2022 and have redirected the domain here)
✨ It will also be a sanctuary for animals —
similar (though on a smaller scale, initially) to the feel of Squirrelwood Equine Sanctuary (SES) in New York though that is solely based on what I have seen thus far from the videos they’ve been posting on Twitter. Once the Covid restrictions are lifted, I’d like to visit SES and actually talk with the owners/property managers (assuming they’d be open to the idea) to get an idea of what it takes to build, maintain and manage such an endeavor...but I digress. 😊
✨ Mother nature will be heavily incorporated, with indoor-outdoor living and plenty of land and wildlife to explore, enjoy and learn from (ideally with a river running through the property or some body of water on the property)
✨ It will start off as a small self-sustaining community of sorts and grow organically
✨ The food will be grown on the land, as part of the community, and regenerative farming techniques will be used
✨ No pharmaceuticals. Plant medicine will be an alternative option.
✨ All the indoor living space will feel soft, comforting and supportive (my own personal pet peeve 😉). Furniture will NOT be attached to the floors or walls (nor heavily weighed down), and even the sheets and towels will feel soft to the skin (yes, I am talking down to that level of detail).
✨ The effects of all sensory inputs on trauma survivors will be heavily factored in during the design and operations phase
✨ All people living there will contribute to and be a part of the community (and I’m NOT talking monetarily)
✨ ...
✨ ...
✨ ...
Those are just some of my thoughts for now.
There is more to come, including initial ideas on healing modalities, later..
As far as the location, I’m really feeling called back to Colorado (and for reasons largely unbeknownst to me at the moment) specifically the Keystone area (not necessarily in Keystone, but around that general location). Considering I currently live in Virginia, I think that’s pretty good as far as being guided to a possible location for the prototype. 😉
For some reason 23 or 36 or 63 acres come to mind (or any variation thereof😉).
Now while there may be an initial structure on the land that I (and whoever else) can potentially live in during the creation process, I imagine this all being built from the foundation up. My two years living in a 100-year-old cottage in horse country (2017-2019) taught me a lot—specifically about the importance of building a solid new foundation. Also 2020 was all about the significance of the foundations you build your house (i.e. life/beliefs) upon.
Seems like a lot to ask, eh?! 😁
And that’s not even the half of it!
Fortunately, I know God/Source can and does move mountains. My(our) task is simple — I(we) just have to align with God/Source and follow that “still small voice within” that oh so divinely guides us to be the very best versions of ourselves and be the change we wish to see in the world.
Once again, I am holding, nurturing and growing the vision, all the while trusting that all the ideally matched souls and resources will be drawn together to help turn this vision into a divine reality.
✨ I call this vision Blueprint HOPE ✨
“If you ENVISION it, they will come” ~ BrendaB
“If you want to understand the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Telsa
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Jason Mraz - Love Is Still The Answer (Official Video)
"Whatever the question,
love is the answer."
Wayne Dyer (RIP)
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Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel (Acoustic Cover by Sierra Eagleson)
"I was feeling part of the scenery
I walked right out of the machinery
My heart going boom, boom, boom
'Hey,' he said
'Grab your things,
I've come to take you home'
Hey, back home"
🐝🌻☀💞🌎 🙏😍💋
You're It! (by Wookiefoot) :: Official Lyric Video
"Tag, You're It! 😘"
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